API documentation
We're excited to introduce our API! You can find the full documentation here.
The GAT API is built on HTTP and is RESTful. It has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts and returns JSON-encoded payloads and uses standard HTTP response codes.
What does the API do?
Our API (application programming interface) allows you to launch a test from anywhere in your development via programming scripts.
With our API, you can:
Integrate GAT’s testing services anywhere in your development and testing process via programming scripts.
Execute a broad selection of testing operations from your own systems, removing the need to visit the Platform graphical user interface. This includes the following:
Launch a tests and advanced tests
Check the status of recently-launched tests
Retrie test results
Retrieve a list of issues
Tests launched through the API are charged in the same way as tests launched through the user interface.
Quickstart guide
You can integrate with the GAT API as soon as you have an account as follows:
Obtain your API key so GAT can authenticate your integration’s API requests
Make a test API request to confirm everything is up and running
Step 1: Obtaining an API key
Login and select API Key from the menu bar at the top of the screen:
Press the Generate new API key button to generate your key. Then copy the key somewhere safe and secure from others, for use in your API requests.
Step 2: Make a test API request
To check that your integration is working correctly, make a test API request using your key to the WhoAmI resource:
If all is well, the API will return a response which looks like this:
Once you have successfully made an API request, you’re ready to begin integrating GAT testing in any way you can imagine! Refer to our API documentation for more details or just reach out and ask us if you have any further questions.